Employment at will; what does that mean?

Should Employees and Employers that negotiate a contract be bound by the terms of that agreement?

In 2011 I negotiated a salary with my employer Serco NA.  In 2013, because they low balled a bid to the government, they came to me and said they no longer wanted to pay our contracted salary and want me to take about a 50% pay cut. I said, "No thank you, you made the mistake of bidding too low, if that's the salary you're offering you might as well start doing the termination paperwork."  They replied, "We're not going to terminate you."  I said, "The cost of my services is still the same and that's how much you'll pay me if you don't fire me."  They didn't fire me.

It seems obvious that I did not lose my right to good faith negotiations or the right to determine what my time was worth just because I was an employee.   I was clear in letting them know the cost of my services was still the same as what we had previously agreed. Since they accepted those services they owe me the contracted salary.

The purpose of this website is to bring attention to my lawsuit meant to make sure that employees have equal rights under the law when it comes to at will employment contracts.

You might be asking yourself, 'why should I care'

Those people that work in Ohio and those businesses with good management skills should be interested in making sure poorly run companies don't get propped up by the government just so those poorly run companies can lower  our standard of living while poisoning the labor market and getting an unfair competitive advantage over businesses with responsible owners.
Serco argues throughout this court case that if a company isn't allowed free rein to back out of the promises it makes in a contract or in its company policies then that company can't do business in Ohio.  But this just leads to chaos for employees.   It is imperative that the state's workforce knows the rules or else they won't feel obligated to work and produce.  Ohio can't afford to have a business environment where an honest company can't find reliable employees because a company like Serco drove them out of the state's workforce leading them to; work in other states, decide to live on savings and pursue recreational activities or just go on public assistance. 
I believe that contracts and company policy produce order and  promote a good business environment for both the employee and the business.  The employee and the employer should be able to decide together what kind of work each is going to do for each other.  They should be able to define how they are going to change that arrangement.  Its incredible that anyone believes that one party to a contract would get to dictate the terms of that contract.  Contracts are negotiated and terms are set by mutual agreement. That's basic contract law.

I'm looking for your thoughts on at will employment

Does at-will employment mean an employer can do whatever it wants to an employee?  Or does it mean that either the employer or the employee can terminate employment at any time for any reason not prohibited by law? 

I believe it is the second statement and not the first.  I tell you why I think this throughout this website.  But I am just as interested in knowing if you also think that employees and employers are equal when it comes to a contract. If you think that employers should be able to dictate the terms of a contract instead of living up to what they agreed to do let me know why you believe that too. 
Below you can find:
The facts of my case  
The legal argument that I making
A place for us to discuss at will employment


When two parties sign a contract the law should treat them equally

 First point?
Write out the first point .
Second Point?
Write out the Second point and link to the full article 

Third Point?
Write out the third point and link to the article
Fourth Point?
Write out the fourth point and link

Fifth Point?
Write out the fifth point and link 

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